Operation Commitee
- CDN: Responsible for overall project operations, translation, and financial management.
- Poisonerver: Responsible for the operation of the Chinese mirror site of Starset Society.
- TheExile雷顿: Responsible for video creation and post-production.
STARSET Wiki Editorial Board
Please refer to STARSET Wiki for a list of language editorial board members.
The Prox Transmissions Translation Team
- Azk
- 煤油关西
- Startentor
- Telepathic
- Will
- The NEW West
- FauLTLiNe
- Since
Project Members of STARSET Mirror
- 久岛鸽子
- 墨淞凌
- Bearlerの熊乐
- Starship0912
- 六个核桃
- st
- 星蝶
- centripetal
- Since
Please refer to the sponsor list.